Anem-x 100

Anem-x 100

Anem-x 100 Recall

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For the prevention and treatment of anemia due to iron deficiency in baby pigs.

Iron deficiency anemia occurs commonly in the suckling pig, often within the first few days following birth. As body size and blood volume increase rapidly from the first few days following birth, hemoglobin levels in the blood fall due to diminishing iron reserves which cannot be replaced adequately from iron in the sow's milk. Thus, the need of a readily available outside source of iron is apparent. Without this additional iron many newborn pigs may develop anemia within the first few days of life. Anemia retards growth and lowers the body defenses against disease; scours, pneumonia, and other conditions may develop. Death from anemia or infections may occur, sometimes destroying entire litters.


There is currently no drug history available for this drug.

Other Information


For Prevention and Treatment of Iron Deficiency Anemia in Baby Pigs

For Animal Use Only

Keep Out of Reach of Children


IRON HYDROGENATED DEXTRAN INJECTION is a sterile solution containing 100 mg of elemental iron per mL, stabilized with a low molecular weight hydrogenated dextran and 0.5% phenol as a preservative.


For the prevention and treatment of anemia due to iron deficiency in baby pigs.

Iron deficiency anemia occurs commonly in the suckling pig, often within the first few days following birth. As body size and blood volume increase rapidly from the first few days following birth, hemoglobin levels in the blood fall due to diminishing iron reserves which cannot be replaced adequately from iron in the sow's milk. Thus, the need of a readily available outside source of iron is apparent. Without this additional iron many newborn pigs may develop anemia within the first few days of life. Anemia retards growth and lowers the body defenses against disease; scours, pneumonia, and other conditions may develop. Death from anemia or infections may occur, sometimes destroying entire litters.

Anem-x 100 Manufacturers

  • Aspen Veterinary Resources, Ltd.
    Anem-x 100 (Iron) Injection [Aspen Veterinary Resources, Ltd.]

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