Dogs: Administer orally at a rate to provide 5-20 mg/kg (2.27 to 9.07 mg/lb) of body weight. Selection of a dose within the range should be based on clinical experience, the severity of disease, and susceptibility of the pathogen. Animals which receive doses in the upper-end of the dose range should be carefully monitored for clinical signs that may include inappetence, depression, and vomition.
All tablet sizes are double scored for accurate dosing.
of Dog
Once Daily Dosing Chart
5.0 mg/kg
10.0 mg/kg
15.0 mg/kg
20.0 mg/kg
9.1 kg
(20 lb)
2 x 22.7 mg
1 x 22.7 mg plus
1 x 68 mg tablets
1 x 136 mg
1 x 136 mg plus
2 x 22.7 mg tablets
27.2 kg
(60 lb)
1 x 136 mg
2 x 136 mg
3 x 136 mg
4 x 136 mg
Cats: Administer orally at 5 mg/kg (2.27 mg/lb) of body weight. The dose for dogs and cats may be administered either as a single daily dose or divided into two (2) equal daily doses administered at twelve (12) hour intervals. The dose should be continued for at least 2-3 days beyond cessation of clinical signs, to a maximum of 30 days.
All tablet sizes are double scored for accurate dosing.
of Cat
Once Daily Dosing Chart
(5 mg/kg/day)
5 lb
(2.27 kg)
1/2 x 22.7 mg tablet
10 lb
(4.5 kg)
1 x 22.7 mg tablet
15 lb
(6.8 kg)
1 and 1/2 x 22.7 mg tablets or
1/2 x 68 mg tablet
Palatability: Most dogs will consume Baytril® Taste Tabs® Tablets willingly when offered by hand. Alternatively the tablet(s) may be offered in food or hand-administered (pilled) as with other oral tablet medications. In cats, Baytril® Taste Tabs® Tablets should be pilled. After administration, watch the animal closely to be certain the entire dose has been consumed.
Dogs & Cats: The duration of treatment should be selected based on clinical evidence.
Generally, administration of Baytril Tablets should continue for at least 2-3 days beyond cessation of clinical signs. For severe and/or complicated infections, more prolonged therapy, up to 30 days, may be required. If no improvement is seen within five days, the diagnosis should be reevaluated and a different course of therapy considered.
The lower limit of the dose range in dogs and the daily dose for cats was based on efficacy studies in dogs and cats where enrofloxacin was administered at 2.5 mg/kg twice daily. Target animal safety and toxicology were used to establish the upper limit of the dose range for dogs and treatment duration for dogs and cats.