Blue Dip

Blue Dip

Blue Dip Recall

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UNIVERSAL'S BLUE DIP/ SPRAY is useful, as part of a sound dairy program, as an aid in controlling the spread of organisms that may cause mastitis.  To avoid contamination of milk, wash udders and teats with UNIVERSAL UDDERWASH, then dry each cow's udder and teats with individual, clean towels before each milking.

For Use As a Teat Dip:

Use at full strength.  Do not dilute.
Immediately after milking, dip teats in BLUE DIP.  Allow teats time to dry before releasing cows into extreme hot or cold weather.  While cow is being dried up, dip teats in BLUE DIP once a day for several days following last milking.  Contains glycerin to condition skin and help prevent chapping.  The deep blue color allows you to tell at a glance if all teats have been dipped.  BLUE DIP is useful, as part of a sound dairy program, as an aid in controlling the spread of organisms that may cause mastitis.  DO NOT USE BLUE DIP for cleaning or sanitizing equipment.

For Use As A Teat Spray:

Use with either portable or automatic teat spray systems.  Immediately after milking, spray teats with BLUE DIP.  Do not wipe.  Allow teats time to dry before releasing into extreme hot or cold weather.  Contains glycerin to condition skin and help prevent chapping.  The deep blue color allows you to tell at a glance if all teats have been dipped.  DO NOT USE BLUE DIP for cleaning or sanitizing equpment.


There is currently no drug history available for this drug.

Other Information

There are no additional details available for this product.

Blue Dip Manufacturers

  • Universal
    Blue Dip (Dodecylbenzenesulfonic Acid) Solution [Universal]

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