Braline Patch

Braline Patch

Braline Patch Recall

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Questions & Answers

Side Effects & Adverse Reactions

Excessive dosage, or short interval between doses, can result in high plasma levels and serious adverse effects. Patients should be instructed to strictly adhere to the recommended dosage and administration guidelines set forth in this literature and on your prescription label. The management of serious adverse reactions may require the use of resuscitative equipment, oxygen or other resuscitative drugs.

Legal Issues

There is currently no legal information available for this drug.

FDA Safety Alerts

There are currently no FDA safety alerts available for this drug.

Manufacturer Warnings

There is currently no manufacturer warning information available for this drug.

FDA Labeling Changes

There are currently no FDA labeling changes available for this drug.


BRALINE is a formulation used to assist patients in the treatment of mild to moderate acute or chronic aches or pain. Muscle or joint pain can be due to musculoligamentous strains, simple backache, tendonitis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, peripheral neuropathies such as diabetic neuropathy or post herpetic neuralgia, and other complex regional pains. It can also be used to help with certain types of headaches, but use with caution when applying in order to avoid eye contact. If consulted by your physician, it may be used for other conditions as well.


There is currently no drug history available for this drug.

Other Information

BRALINE (Menthol 4% / Lidocaine HCl 4% Transdermal Patch)


BRALINE is a prescription transdermal patch containing 10 articulated patches (5 per resealable pouch x 2 pouches). Lidocaine HCl is present in a 4% concentration (w/w). It is chemically designated as 2-(diethylamine)-N-(2,6-dimethylphenyl) acetamide and has an empirical formula C 14H 22N 2O.

The molecular weight of lidocaine HCl is 234.34 g/mol. Menthol is present in a 4% concentration (w/w). The chemical name (1R,2S,5R)-2-isopropyl-5-methylcyclohexanol. The empirical formulat is menthol is C 10H 20O with a molecular weight of 156.27 g/mol.

The structural formulas are:

Structural Formula

Braline Patch Manufacturers

  • Doc Rx
    Braline Patch (Menthol, Lidocaine) Patch [Doc Rx]

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